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Sunday, January 4, 2009

UFAC-GAF General Assembly 2009

It's been a while since I didn't play and there will be a general assembly this coming Friday. I must go and attend so I will know what UFAC's plan for this year. Though I am busy looking for a jobs in Dubai, I'll try to be there every Friday.


High Power Rocketry said...

: )

jim said...

sir im jim and im working here in dubai, filipino.sir i really wanted to join the group.iwant to ask also if i can buy equiptmnet here in dubai.

Xray said...

Greetings Sir,
Im very interested in the Airsoft Sport, i was woundering if you can link me up with some of the guys in Saudi Arabia to form a Clan or if i can join you guys in Dubai i can come over everyweekend for some fun.